When I first started this challenge I had no idea where I was going with it. It is a lot of fun and it surprises you with the depth that develops as you draw it. In the end the composition of the patterns reminds me of a canoe carrying exotic plants to an island somewhere....so funny how an Ink Fiddle gathers a life of it's own. Are you up for a challenge? Go see the Diva!!!


....to have been presented by Lyn Phillips with this awesome R that emulates a Robin. Her art is sublime, awe-inspiring, and extraordinary in every way. Her muse is Mother Earth, the patterns that fill every living thing on the planet, as well as those patterns that are created by happenstance by those living things. She is acutely aware of design and pattern every waking moment, everywhere she goes, every day of her life. I am honored, to say the least, to have been given such a great gift. Thank you Lyn, from the bottom of my little Robin heart.