Tangled up in Ink


I think most everyone has picked up a pen or pencil and drawn random, mindless doodles. We do it while talking on the phone or while in deep thought about something, and we are not concentrating on it or paying attention to where it's going or even what the end result will be. Well this is art my friend! I call it Ink Fiddles and it is a wonderful, enthralling, meditation that leaves a lasting impression on paper that is beautiful, and sometimes mystical, but most certainly always worthy of journaling, framing,  and showcasing. 

In this blog I am going to be posting a lot of works by various artists, as well as links to websites that will assist you with the best tools to use, learning new patterns and techniques, as well as the best ways to display your fiddling adventures. Get ready to be amazed!

If your inner artist is tugging at your soul to wake up your creative spirit, then join me in this quest to explore, learn, and create Ink Fiddles. 

Eye Know ~ Artist Unknown

Fiddling Away!

Today I decided to cut up my Bristol Board paper into 4 x 4 squares. I used my two Micron Pens .01 and .05. The two side triangles are influenced by Zentangle®, and the top and bottom patterns are my own, as well as the heart and flower in the middle. I like the more organized flavor of today's Ink Fiddle, and the Bristol Board along with the Micron pens provided a much more controlled and relaxing Ink Fiddle session. I am looking forward to some contributing artists to add to this journey! Please come and share whether it is old hat to you or you are just starting out. Everyone is welcome! 

An Ink Fiddle a Day

The Start of an Ink Fiddling Journey

This Ink Fiddle was created on the blank space of a page in a magazine around this quote:

Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go. 
~ Mother Teresa 

Okay, so it's crude, a little messy, a bit disorganized, but it is a start! Since I was experimenting I didn't use my good Micron pens, I used a Precise Roller Ball pen. 

This is what I have learned: This type of art is a meditation. Your mind wanders and floats as you draw lines and shapes. There is no stress because there is no plan. It meanders along until it gets to the end, and only "it" knows where the end is. This is going to be a wonderful journey. 

Christmas Collection - LeeAnn's Zentangle-ing Fun

Metallic Pens on Black Paper

Artist Unknown

Flying Fans - Black and white Zentangle by myslewis, Sharla Hicks  
Courtesy of ZenTangle & Doodles by Kay Seefeldt

Hippie Art by Singleton

I love the use of patterns in the Hippie Art series by Singleton. There are more examples at

Tangelation combined with color. 

Added a touch of metallic green for sparkle
Betweed, Printemps, Leaves, Beadz and more...

Daniele O'Brien takes you along on her exploration of Zentangle, and other doodle art, and provides instruction on how to create patterns that she uses in her illustrations. I could ramble from page to page in her blog for days! 


I have a wonderful group of friends on Facebook and we affectionately call ourselves Cupcakes, as our personalities are all synonymous with the sweet little cake we all love. We are situated all over the country and very few of us have ever met the others, however, we consider ourselves sisters and we share special things throughout the year. One day Vicki Garcia had mentioned her discovery of Zentangle® and we all fell in love with it, as well as other doodle art. So she and another Cupcake, Wendy Kelly, got together one afternoon out in sunny California and created these fabulous Zentangle® Christmas cards and little ornaments. When you open the card there is a simplistic little line patterned tree that is as sweet as the Cupcakes that drew them. What a beautiful surprise! I find more often than not that it is the little things in life that mean the most. Thank you California Cupcakes! 

Patterns to Tangle by.....

Cindy Angel is an accomplished repeat pattern artist who incorporates Line Art Patterns she designed to use in Line-weaving, Zentangling, Doodles, and/or line-art pieces.On her website, The Rainbow Elephant she shows you patterns as well as instructional videos using the patterns. She also showcases her own art and note card series that she has created using those patterns washed with vivid colors to create unique and eye-catching art. Visit her! She is inspirational. You will find her pattern list here.