Tangled up in Ink


I think most everyone has picked up a pen or pencil and drawn random, mindless doodles. We do it while talking on the phone or while in deep thought about something, and we are not concentrating on it or paying attention to where it's going or even what the end result will be. Well this is art my friend! I call it Ink Fiddles and it is a wonderful, enthralling, meditation that leaves a lasting impression on paper that is beautiful, and sometimes mystical, but most certainly always worthy of journaling, framing,  and showcasing. 

In this blog I am going to be posting a lot of works by various artists, as well as links to websites that will assist you with the best tools to use, learning new patterns and techniques, as well as the best ways to display your fiddling adventures. Get ready to be amazed!

If your inner artist is tugging at your soul to wake up your creative spirit, then join me in this quest to explore, learn, and create Ink Fiddles. 

Eye Know ~ Artist Unknown

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