I woke up this morning and went about my normal routine, hair, teeth, coffee, and then walking the dog, and as I went about my morning ritual I was pondering what kind of patterns I would use in my Ink Fiddle of the day. As I have mentioned before I have read and studied the works of others, but today I wanted to do something all my own. So as I walked the dog I referred back to knowledge I already have that everything in nature has repeating patterns and unique shapes, and so I looked with a discerning eye at my surroundings and this is what I came up with. The end result gives me a feeling of the South Pacific, as in tribal masks, beautiful flowers, things made of wood. In actuality the scary masks came from the shapes in my dogs NOSE! The flowers are  self-explanatory, as are the hearts holding the flowers, and the bottom right corner is taken from the knots in the wood on the dock where I live. Then I just added some filler shapes. This was fun, and tomorrow I will look for more repeat patterns in nature to emulate! 


Please join me in creating interesting Ink Fiddles all of your own or try your hand at Zentangle®. I think you will quickly become HOOKED on INK! It is a meditation, relaxing, and it is nurturing for your brain. My quest is to find others who want to share, learn, and grow with me as I travel the black ink road! 

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