The Start of an Ink Fiddling Journey
This Ink Fiddle was created on the blank space of a page in a magazine around this quote:
Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go.
~ Mother Teresa
Okay, so it's crude, a little messy, a bit disorganized, but it is a start! Since I was experimenting I didn't use my good Micron pens, I used a Precise Roller Ball pen.
This is what I have learned: This type of art is a meditation. Your mind wanders and floats as you draw lines and shapes. There is no stress because there is no plan. It meanders along until it gets to the end, and only "it" knows where the end is. This is going to be a wonderful journey.